C. Mareeba Tiger x L. milleri
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(C. Mareeba Tiger 'Darth Sidius' AM/AOS x L. milleri 'Fissure 8' HCC/AOS)
Cattleya Mareeba Tiger is a primary hybrid between C. leopoldii (tigrina) and C. schilleriana which produces heads of many fragrant richly colored chocolate brown flowers covered in spots. It has a wide magenta lip. Laelia milleri is a Brazilian rupicolous laelia that has tall upright spikes carrying any fiery red flowers. We anticipate the offspring of this cross will produce upright plants with erect spikes topped with many flowers that will look somewhat like LC. Jalapa (C. guttata x L. milleri) -- a maroon/red base with some dark spots.
(About 2+ years from blooming size.)